

2016-11-05 国际学院学生会 暨南大学国际学院

(本网讯 通讯员:郑沥炜 洪汉霖 摄影记者:赵震元)
    首先上台分享的是漂亮的气质女神蔡晓益学姐。这位来自14级公管应管的学姐是曾经的暨妹妹负责人。上台后,学姐以微信运营二三话为主题,从暨妹妹的创始出发,向我们讲述了暨妹妹的发展历程。接着便与我们分享了在运营这个公众号时发生的种种趣事。她坦言,通过经历这些事情,自己获得了成就感,学会了耐心细心,并且有了审美的提升。正如她自己所说,“没有暨妹妹,就没有如今的蔡晓益。”    之后学姐结合数据,给我们展示了暨妹妹的运营情况。通过一些案例与其获得的成就,告诉我们要从服务对象出发,思考他们需要什么,怎么使推送吸引人,这些才把推送做大做强的关键所在。    另外,学姐还提及了品牌推广的话题,强调了品牌推广,形象塑造的重要性。    最后,学姐也向我们稍微提及了版权问题,提出了尊重原创,尊重自己,尊重自己的产品的观点。    通过学姐的分享,我们对于微信推文又有了更深入的了解。
    第二位给我们分享的是来自14级计算机专业的黄锦豪学长。身为技术大神的他以技术浅谈为主题,开始了他的演讲。    首先,他为我们描述了产品经理的概念,从而引出了开发的话题。其中特别介绍了MVC架构,即模型,构图与逻辑控制。    接着,学长给我们普及了有关微信开发者模式的知识。以文字模型为桥梁,深入浅出,耐心地为我们演示了何为微信开发者模式。    然后,学长又提及了产品迭代和网络安全的问题,并强调这些问题是我们身处网络海洋不可避免,也不可忽视的。    最后,大神也跟我们分享了一些有关做流量分析时遇到的趣事。并且勉励我们在未来做推文的日子里多写,多跳坑。“路漫漫其修远兮”,要脚踏实地地做好每一个环节。以这番语重心长的话语结尾的大神,博得了在场同学们的阵阵掌声。
    当然,最后结束之前肯定要来张大合照啦!相信今天的分享会大家对于推文肯定有了更深入,更全面的了解了吧~    像学长学姐们说的一样,多多实践,才是真正能够提升自己推文水平的关键!日后大家有机会做推文的时候,可要牢记学长学姐的话语哦~
    On November 3rd 2016, the lecture “JNU JMM teaches you how to make Tweets” started at 7:00P.M in N233 of south campus.
   The first lecturer Cai Xiaoyi, is a former member of JMM. She had a lot of experience and feelings about being JMM. At first, she introduced some basic information about JMM in south campus. Then the topic was about how to run a We-Chat account and popularize that.     Finally, she emphasized the importance of the copyright of the images and articles used in the  official account. She also found many bugs in their official account while working.     After that, she shared some funny things of being JMM in these years. “Although operating JMM is a very hard work, I got a lot from it and always like this feeling.” She said.
    The next lecturer Huang Jinhao, is a programmer of JMM official account. He was gonna talk about some basic technologies and operation of official account.     First topic was product manager, which is a new occupation of the Internet. Then he talked about M.V.C(Model, View, Controller) and We-Chat Developer Mode of computer technology. “We need more practice, after all, Rome was not built in one day.”   The next topic was product iteration and the safety of the user in the official account. The final topic was analysis of official account’s flow.     For those students whose major is computer, “it is a long way to study computer, you need to do more practice. Actions speak louder than words. Practice makes perfect.” 
  Finally, all of us took a group photo. We all benefited a lot from today’s sharing session and got many useful skills of running a official account. Let’s thank the members of JMM for their great contribution to JNU. Why not try to run your unique We-Chat account from now on?
文字 | 洪汉霖 郑沥炜摄影 | 赵震元编辑 | 林钰淇

